Kamakwie Town, Sella Limba Chiefdom
A committed family of professionals
The Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education has the overall responsibility for education. This includes Policy and Planning, Professional Standard Setting, Monitoring and Evaluation of education service delivery, Certification/Accreditation, and Teachers Management.
Karene District is a newly created district in the North Western Province of Sierra Leone and the district headquarter town is Kamakwe. It was initially part of the Bombali District
The district is made up of (13) thirteen chiefdoms: Tambakha Simibungie, Tambakha Yobangie, Gbanti, Libeisaygahun, Sanda Loko, Mafonda Makerembay, Sanda Taindaren, Sanda Magbolontor, Sella Limba, Buya, Romende, Safroko and Dibia.
Meet the founders
Mr. Gibrilla A. Sesay laid the foundation of the DEO in 2018. Establishment of Schoools in Karene District is a result of hard work and dedication of these founders.
Are we there….
A staff and students
Staff qualified with a minimum of Post Graduate degree.
Teaching Capacity with 80 men and 100 women.
Staff younger than 40 years of age.
Students teacher ratio, for proper attention on child.
Minimum monthly salary of staff at any level
Chiefdoms represented by overall Green Valley Staff.
Schools by Chiefdoms
Buya Chiefdom
Principal & Member of B.O.D.
- Nursery = 4
- Primary = 24
- JSS = 7
- SSS = 5
Safroko Chiefdom
Principal & Member of B.O.D.
- Nursery = 4
- Primary = 24
- JSS = 7
- SSS = 5
Tambaka Simimbungie Chiefdom
Principal & Member of B.O.D.
- Nursery = 4
- Primary = 24
- JSS = 7
- SSS = 5
Gbanti Chiefdom
Vice Principal, Sr. Chemistry Teacher
- Nursery = 4
- Primary = 24
- JSS = 7
- SSS = 5
Sella Limba Chiefdom
Vice Principal, Sr. Chemistry Teacher
- Nursery = 4
- Primary = 24
- JSS = 7
- SSS = 5
Libeisaygahun Chiefdom
Head Mistress
- Nursery = 4
- Primary = 24
- JSS = 7
- SSS = 5
Mafonda Makeyrembay Chiefdom
Sr. Physics Teacher
- +1 6335 248795
- @greenvalley.org
Tambaka Yobangie Chiefdom
Sr. Physics Teacher
- +1 6335 248795
- @greenvalley.org
Sanda Loko Chiefdom
Sr. Mathematics Teacher
- +1 6335 248795
- @greenvalley.org
Sanda Magblonthor Chiefdom
Sr. Mathematics Teacher
- +1 6335 248795
- @greenvalley.org
Sanda Taindaren Chiefdom
Cultural Head
- +1 6335 248795
- capri
Romende Chiefdom
Cultural Head
- +1 6335 248795
- @greenvalley.org
Dibia Chiefdom
Sr. Physics Teacher
- +1 6335 248795
- @greenvalley.org
DEO Staff
Mr. Gaima
- +1 6335 242879
- nataliaflores@greenvalley.org
Mr. Gibrilla Abert Sesay
Former DD
- +1 6335 234879
- dorisrivera@greenvalley.org
Mr. Laboh
Documents Evaluator
- +1 6335 624866
- apollocreed@greenvalley.org
Mr. Sanu
Head, Accounts Department
- +1 6335 248795
- ariamurphy@greenvalley.org
Mr. Alimamy Turay
Non Formal Coordinator
- +232
- aturay@kne.edu
Mr. Ibrahim S. Tarawallie
Manager, Financial Aid Dept.
- +1 6335 254866
- camilawilson@greenvalley.org